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Date Posted: 05:27:09 10/20/04 Wed
Author: doreen peri
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Subject: here's what was behind it
In reply to: knip 's message, "yet" on 23:59:12 10/19/04 Tue

I got asked not to post there. I asked why. I never got an answer that made sense.

I was told that my suggestions were taken as demands. What were my suggestions? One was the same as everybody elses. That it would be nice to have a spot to converse. The other two were, "please fix my line breaks in my poem, i don't have an edit button" and "it would be helpful if the title line for a post were several characters longer"

I said, OK, I'm not going to go where I'm not wanted. I'm not posting at the site. Period. Done. Over. That was a while back

Then, yesterday, LR got asked not to post there. Why? Beats me.

That's all I know.

>you avoid my question as to how i acted cowardly
>how does one evade such a direct question, a question
>unmistakingly borne in WORDS
>we all talk about what we want to talk about, cat...it
>is our nature...you are talking about the aspect of
>the website that YOU want to talk about...you are
>holding this slight against lrod and dp aloft to
>support some point YOU want to get across
>i don't know what was behind the split, and neither do
>you...yet whereas i choose to take things at face
>value, test the next stage, check it out before
>passing judgement, you choose to judge based on the
>most sparse information...do you REALLY know what this
>is all about? no...and neither do i...time to admit
>it, methinks...
>i'll also state that your penchant for the FREE
>EXCHANGE OF IDEAS brought in someone who had no
>interest in literature, poetry, anything...other than
>expressing his own neocon view of the world...as far
>as i am concerned, that little episode had as much to
>do with the 'death' of the website you loved so dearly
>as anything else
>in words

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