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Subject: Lost and found

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Date Posted: 06/13/05 8:42:06pm Mon
In reply to: Emi 's message, "I can do it too." on 06/13/05 7:59:43pm Mon

The Guardian's hand pressed her strongly into the sheltering darkness of an old, hollowed tree trunk with a breathy admonition to stay silent and wait. Then the footsteps beat a hasty tattoo away from her hiding place and was eventually lost to her sense of hearing. Like any nature's child, she stayed still and patient, straining for the sounds of the returning companion. The shadows of evening began to lengthen into darkness and, eventually, she fell asleep. Hungry, frightened and alone, but safe for the time being.

The sound of bird song and the dewy smell of early morning woke her but it wasn't until mid-morning that the heat drew her from the woodsy cave. She paused with a whimper of burgeoning alarm when a crow gave voice from a tree limb above her, however, no wail erupted, for she'd been well taught that to make noises was tantamount to extreme peril. A quick dart sent her back into her cocoon.

Once again, the warm dancing sunlight and the swaying, soughing columns of trees caught her attention and the presence of the keeper and its admonitions were lost to the wonder of the sights, sounds and smells that dwelled here. All threats fell away and it was easy to skip from one curiosity to another, flitting from flower to insect to swaying leaf, like a bright butterfly with no worries or care. Dusky rose wings spread themselves in the lambent rays of the day and violet eyes grew wide, then delighted at each new discovery.

It was the sound of rushing water that she first noticed, as she cleared the edge of the forest when it spilled onto the beach in sandy patches. The forest's dividing line was a mixture of floor-brachen and thinning, moss-streamered branches along with abandoned seashells and more of the glinting particless of once proud boulders. And ever stranger creatures!

There, in the playful grasp of incoming waves was a small dog of bright red fur that seemed to glint of gold, when it moved. It made her think of the her mother's pet, when they came to visit sometimes. It was the little beast that spotted [b]her[/b] next and, with a *YIP* of interest, it loped in her direction. Crystal wasn't sure if she should run or scream for help. And, by the time a whimper of fear bubbled up, it was too late.

A couple of fat tears trailed down the rosy cheeks and dripped deep blue sapphires off the end of her chin, their small chimes ringing sweetly as they struck against a large rock. Her lower lip quivered and violet eyes leaked silently as she waited, thumb in mouth to bring a small measure of comfort to this frightening situation. Was there no one to protect her?

She stood motionless as the animal approached and a small snout reached out with gentle delicacy to whuffled at her bare feet, then to rub it's wedged head there before bumping against her frozen hand for a small bit of attention. When she patted it gingerly, it wagged its tail eagerly, much to her relief and dawning delight. When it twinned about her legs, she plopped right there, in place, and allowed it to climb into her lap. Giggles followed upon the caress of the raspy tongue to her cheek.

When that past-time had palled, the little "doggie" bounded from her lap to the shore's edge, picking up shell after shell, only to return to her side and drop them there for her to examine. Each foray became longer and longer and the abandoned mite rested her back against the trunk of a tree, as hunger made itself well known with a gurgle of protest. Her hound paused, in it's return to searching, then cocked it's head at the second rumble. With a twinkle of glee, it was suddenly presenting her with a sandwich, laid on the ground at her feet.

Famished enough to not care about bits and pieces of dirt, she tore into the food quickly and looked for more, only to find a piece of cold meat and then a bit of lettuce where there'd been none before. Her friend left her momentarily and she was sure he'd gone to get more. Despite her belly not being full, it wa at least quiet and, with her immediate needs met, she began to drowse in the midday warmth. In seconds, she was soundly asleep.

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listenCyrus06/13/05 8:50:40pm Mon

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