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Subject: ± Devine Spirit ±

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Date Posted: 14:52:10 10/10/03 Fri

Name: Muscha
Nick name:-
Breed:Syanic Tyger
Detailed Description:A quadroped draconian with the bodice of a siberian tiger. Tiara stand is fattened with a thick layer of muscle. Pelt is of shaggy fur, thick flowing hoss mane is corded in a clan braid. Hued this banner be as the pyrite gold of sunshine. Clan braids are bound at the base of her neck with a thick red cord in a femmine bow. Crania is heavy, a box shaped skull, two saber-like fangs are drawn past healthy pink gums. Golden fur shows traces of silver from age, and yeilds to a six inch gash on her right haunch. Masive gargole wings span above, their stone appearence softened by a thin layer of the same fur that down her body. It's clear that her flight is limited, but it is just as clear what those wings are used for.
Light or Dark?:Dark

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