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Subject: ¿What Do You See¿

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Date Posted: 02:10:24 10/18/03 Sat

Name: Tou
Nick name: None
Age: (0-250) 5
Gender: Male
Breed: Smaller dragon breed, has bat-like wings and four limbs.
Color: Red
Detailed Description: Small in stature he makes up for the rest in spirit. He isn't an overly evil lil' guy but his heart has been turned dark due to past experiances. Wings are bat-like, and limbs are muscular, long talons upon the ends. Scaley almost elf like ears rest upon his head. Has black pupils but red fills the outter area where white should lay.
Pic (if you have one):
Personality: Firey, yet solem, this little brute can be a bubbly being or a firey spit bomb, just depends on who you are and what his mood is as to how things go.
Light or Dark?: Dark

¿The sleek crimson hued male flicked his forked tounge to taste the are. Smirking slowly he nodded. Seemed this was the place for him. After stats were stated, tail was turned and wings flared. Off to find a home he went¿

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