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Subject: up^

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Date Posted: 22:56:52 11/07/03 Fri
In reply to: Loo 's message, "(this one has more infomation, so- just pay attention to this one)" on 00:16:56 11/07/03 Fri

>Attention EVERYONE!
>This is Loo speaking and I need the rulers of the
>Light/Dark/Immortal dragons to contact me ASAP at
>Leglisson@aol.com regarding your rule. I’m giving you
>till the 12th to contact me, but if
>I don’t hear from you before that date your leadership
>will be given to someone else.
>If, for some reason, the rulers are out of town or
>unable to get to the computer for a GOOD reason in
>which you know about, contact me as well and let me
>know. I get a lot of junk mail so make sure you put
>in the e-mail subject something like, “CM” so I’ll
>catch it. Thank you and remember we have a new site:
>www.Cascade-Mountains.com please reset your
>favorites! I’m working on the c-m.com dragon pages as
>we speak, so bare with me.
>A few more parting shots for you guys, if you’re
>reading this and PLAY a dragon from either of those
>sides please fill out the below form and reply to this
>message! I need to know how active this section is so
>I can get a better understanding of where we stand.

>Your name:
>Your Screen name:
>E-mail address:
>How many characters you play in the sections
>Names of the character(s) and where they live:
>Rank they hold at that Territory, if any:
>How active you are (on a scale of 1-10 (ten being VERY
>Suggestions you have for the dragons (keep it small,

>I know this is kinda a brutal cut and everything but
>I’m trying to fix what I can. Please bare with us a
>little longer while we sort the mess! I’m checking
>back here so PLEASE reply with the information I
>requested. Thank you ^.~

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