Aruneche, Neque Nec
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Date Posted: 19:13:36 01/26/04 Mon
{{The large male flaps lazily up to a large slab of rock, twisting sinewy head around to wait for his kin. When he arrived, he turned and let out a roar, announcing their arrival. He then settled down to a crouch, like the cat who tires of playing with the mouse and cares to finish its life. Who was the mouse, though?}}
[[Neque Nec wings beside his brother, feeling overheated in his thick fur. He cringes at the roar, murmuring, "Shush, now, Rune." and curling up, neck resting on forelegs. His heavy fur had tired him from his flight, and he longed for some rest. He glances around wearily, this land seemed friendly enough but he had his doubts.]]

Summoned as Aruneche.
But they ask for Rune.
Been around for 30 years.
My breed's called Icelandic.
In color, I have silvery scales, and the fur along my head and back is black like the shadows. My talons, eyes and wings are shaded a pearl white, ghastly in appearance.
I was created as a male.
Talk to me and I'll be passionate about what or who I care for, which includes caring for Nec. I love anything that glitters, so hide the jewelery, folks. I can hold my own in a fight, but when young Nec saved me more than once. I suppose he is useful. In a nutshell, I am the more active brother.
In the past I lived with my mother and Nec in the Arctic, but left when I was ten to live in a warmer place. I resided there for a good while before we conspired to meet up and stick together for the lack of doing anything else.

Summoned as Neque Nec.
But they ask for Nec.
Been around for 30 years.
My breed's called Icelandic.
In color, I am white furred, and have a few iridescent scales on my side, neck, and wings. I have a few more horns than Rune, and my eyes are emerald like my seas.
I was created as a male.
Talk to me and I'll be protective of Rune. He is my brother, and we just met up recently. We look different because we grew in different locations, adapting to individual climates, mine obviously more cold and demanding. Lazy slack brother. I adore any kind of creature, and have grown into a herbivore. I am the quieter sibling, and I like to think more reasonable, too.
In the past I lived in the Arctic, for my whole life. I left my mother when it was time, and she decided to fly south where it was more warm. She took Aruneche with her, because he was not suited to the kind of life we had. I lived there on my own and recently came here where I met up with Rune.recently came here where I met up with Rune.
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