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Subject: True Hybrid

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Date Posted: 07:38:45 07/02/04 Fri

Name: BloodHybrid
Nick Name: Bloodhybrid
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Breed: Hybrid
Color: Black with white markings
Detailed Description: Born from both Alpha and Omega has both souls sealed inside, because of such a fusion it is near impossible to use both souls unless extream emotion or fear of death causes them to bond

with a BloodRed left eye (Omega) and a Deep Saphire Blue right eye (alpha) he knows little of his past
abandoned by all he waits for nothing more than Ragnarok to occure,

Though the Omega side of him is pure evil that and alpha cancel each other out making him a timmid dragon type that will help things only if he see's fit to do so.
Omega is were alot of his power comes from and yet the alpha side is powerful, is mainly used just for the power of healing.

One trate that binds them both togeather is the ability to use Ki and Chakra to increase the power of the claws causing alot of damage to oppononts. Left claw becomes Red, Right becomes Blue)

when one of the souls becomes dommonant then ki is realeased of that colour (Blue for Alpha, Red for Omega)

in the case that both souls bond togeather all the ki is mixxed togeather and overall power is amplified by thosands, in this case he looses all control to the power and will kill anything that stands in his way
Light or Dark?: Both

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