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Date Posted: 07/19/04 6:23pm
Author: Hex
Subject: [ . Didja miss me? . ]

A long absence, too long this time, and a grateful return. The sorrel King had been away much too long, and well he knew it. (Dern sorry player!) Obsidian stained hooves sank deeply into the sandy ground, the sweet breeze teasing his nostrils and tangling his mane. Almond eyes scanned the visible horizon, hungrily soaking in the sight and dreading to see the carnage that the evils had wrought upon his pristine beach. Surprisingly, there were few Evils still plodding across his lands. For this, Hex was relieved. It was safe for Takara to return home. Another short scan revealed no inhabitants seriously injured. He would make the more personal rounds once he was settled again. Until then, the residents could come to him with problems, or just to talk. He had missed them all, and was glad to be back.

((SOOO sorry everybody! Evil summers suck up all my free time. But Hexy's back!!)

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