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Date Posted: 07/20/04 5:40am
Author: Takara & Jinxed
Subject: ~Little Treasure~
In reply to: Hex 's message, "[ . Didja miss me? . ]" on 07/19/04 6:23pm

As if sensing the lull in hostile intent, the splotched regina returned to her new home, grey gaze eagerly searching for Hex's beloved figure. The mare moved in a jaunty manner, her knees lifting high with every prancing step. It was so good to be herself again! While in foal, it had seeemed as if she was lugging not only her own body weight but that of a tank as well. Having regained her lithe and trim figure, Takara was obviously enjoying it. Milky tresses spilled down her golden splashed shoulders like the veil of a blushing bride, which was almost how she felt. It had felt as if she and Hex had been separated for a millenia, an eternity, for FOREVER. Now that was all done and over with, at least for the moment. This precious peace and quiet would have to be seized and enjoyed like a vintage wine, the drinker careful to consume every sweet drop. Catching sight of the relaxing royal, Takara burst into song, her trilling notes carrying through the still air to her lover's ears. Her cadence changed as hoofbeats intensified in a full out gallop, the dame eager to be at her lord's side once again. With Takara on the move, a small figure became visible. Jinx had been shyly hiding behind his mother, still too fatigued from the journey to remember the lessons in etiquette she'd taught him on the way home. Home. How strange. Jinx had never been here before, well outside of the womb of course, and yet this was his home. His multi-hued eyes rolled about, casually taking in the lush surroundings that characterized his abode. Well, it was nice enough he supposed. Supressing a yawn, Jinx had almost missed his mother's sudden burst of speed which left him scrambling to keep up. The colt's sorrel splashed body was a darker version of his mother's painted coat, the burnished color reminiscent of his father.

Gasping for breath, Jinx finally arrived alongside his mother just as she reached her beloved, though his steps were markedly more hesitant. Takara eagerly shoved her pink muzzle into her mate's mane, small whickers of contentment emitting from compressed labrums. The painted mare was obviously quite happy to be home. ~I've missed you~ she breathed softly before stepping away, grey eyes aglow with adoration. Her heart longed for that precious contact but for now, someone else deserved attention. Lowering her cranium, the mare butted her progeny forward, inwardly groaning at Jinx's trepidation. For his part, Jinx did his best to slam on the brakes and prevent any forward motion. If this was his first meeting with his father, then he'd move with some dignity gosh darnit! Snorting at his dam, the colt sidestepped away from her insistent mug before raising his eyes to Hex's visage. His blue eye was dazzling in its backdrop of white, though his mahogany visionary was no less beautiful. Without fear, the young heir met his father's gaze, hoping against hope that he'd earn his respect. =I'm Jinxed= he stated solemnly, his proud dam nearly bursting with joy behind him.

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