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Date Posted: 07/28/04 4:34pm
Author: Elven
Subject: .:Your Certainty is Surprising:.
In reply to: Aliéné 's message, ".:.You Will.:." on 07/26/04 6:20am

In the aftermath of her reply, the grulla princess expected to hear fading footfalls, an auditory sign of the stallion's departure. Instead, she was surprised to hear his request for pardon ringing in her ears. As if directed by a taut tether, the mare's jaw was yanked sharply upwards, her wide brown eyes locking on Aliene's. Nostrils fluttered in a vain attempt to catch her breath, pink butterflies in an desolate terrain of ashes. There could be many reasons why he'd asked for her forgiveness, it was only logical that she ascertain his true meaning before taking that plunge.

.:What, exactly, am I to forgive?:. Her voice was a breathy whisper, trembling with suppressed emotion. Lush lashes ringed her wide eyes, fluttering with each harsh intake of oxygen. Intermingled locks of ebony and ivory impeded on that startled gaze, unheeded by the grulla fae as she teetered on the edge of the abyss.

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