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Date Posted: 08/16/04 6:30pm
Author: Veiled Shadows
Subject: /veiled. or. darkness.\
In reply to: Curse 's message, "I Wonder" on 08/16/04 5:01pm

Sculpted crania of the Irish Draught femme turned capturing the unfamiliar sound of hoofbeats. Nares flared wide drawing into her mind the scent of the appy. Curiosity turned her lean framework in his direction though she paused not moving yet. Finally steel fulcrums picked up a lazy trot lightly feathered joints pulling her muscled form closer to his. A light call emitted from her charred mug as black tipped towers focused on him. "'Lo" her soft voice crept out tinting the air with the sound. She wasn't much for words and was a rather stern creature who didn't socialize too much. She was lucky they never threw her out. After all she had challenged the late Queen DoT for her position. But was content with her current state. She waited for the stallion to speak before her vocals sounded again.

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