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Date Posted: 11/ 3/04 2:14pm
Author: Linz
Subject: *huggles Megan*
In reply to: Krista 's message, "No, no it's not." on 11/ 1/04 5:55pm

Contrary to popular belief, I am still hovering around ;) . Unfortunately, with the exception of Satin Kiss, all those who knew my characters have since passed on. *sigh* Takara will concede to Swift in hopes that a new face can bring life back to CM. So, with my blessing, Swift is now the Queen of the Light Horses. Takara always felt like a symbol, an unknown figurehead for her people that disappeared around her. Without Hex, she was reduced to exactly what she assumed herself to be. Brokenhearted, she's stepped down from her throne and left it vacant for one who will perhaps prove to be a greater leader than she could ever have hoped to be.

*sniffle* In other news... Since I'm insanely busy with making the Dean's List, my impending graduation, my wedding planning, and tons of other things, I'm probably gone for good from CM. It isn't far to keep drifting in and out and to keep everyone waiting week after week for posts. I would love to bring back Cole or Rush for you Megan, but I'm afraid my half-hearted efforts would only cheat you in the end. So there it is....*tear* my resignation. After three years, I'm finally leaving Cascade Mountains. I love you all dearly and it's been a pleasure RP'ing with you. I'll pop in now and then to see how you're doing, but other than that, no promises. *hugs all around* Au revoir my beauties!

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