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Date Posted: 16:41:52 05/17/13 Fri
Author: Adam Fleck
Subject: State is almost here

Hello ladies of Colorado Cinderella,

The excitement must be building as your state pageant approaches. In the next couple of weeks I will be working with a few of you, and if anyone else is interested in working on their interview, talent, introduction, etc., please let me know ASAP so I can schedule you in. I have had great success working with girls across the country via Skype.

For those of you who don't know me and what I do, please take a moment and go to where there is much information. I am often asked what exactly it is that I do -- luckily for me a Cinderella grandma has very succinctly put into words all that I set out to do when I work with someone.

“After several years of competing at the local level and three years participating at state, we noticed that although Kadence was still having fun and seemed to enjoy it, that sparkle that made her so special to us seemed to be dimming. They get to a certain age where they become aware of that "just missing the mark." She has a sweet temperament but was missing the confidence to assert herself more, to set aside the nerves and be herself. Enter Adam and his coaching technique. It was a struggle at first for Kadence to "get" what he was trying to convey to her, but with his patience and special way he has working with these girls, she used the tools he had given her and participated and succeeded in receiving an overall title in her age division. Sure the "win" was great, but what was more important to us was the change in confidence we saw in her. At interview time, she didn't have that "knot in the stomach" look about her but chatted and visited with the girls in line waiting to enter for their interviews. Someone came up to us after the pageant and remarked about her smile. Kadence has always smiled during modeling and throughout her talent, but this person who has watched Kadence in Cinderella since she was three, commented that she literally beamed throughout the whole day! She is so excited about attending state this year and is so positive about her experience with Adam. He helped her to see herself differently and made her feel special. It was so touching to see how anxious she was to call him after she won, to share her experience that day. His coaching goes beyond his sessions with the girls; he makes them feel special and he is as he says "part of their team now" She displays an enthusiasm and confidence in her other activities now too; dance, horsemanship, even school. His program and coaching results truly are "More Than the Crown.”

If I can be of any help in your preparations or if you have any questions, feel free to contact me.

Wishing you all the best.

Adam Fleck

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