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Subject: Re: Hey

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Date Posted: 10:27:52 02/25/05 Fri
In reply to: jerk 's message, "Re: Hey" on 10:20:15 02/25/05 Fri

>>Saw this on a message board.. THought I'd pass this
>>on... We too are losing a game........
>>Ohhh... saw some reactions from some of the BIG Duck
>>This will warm your heart there in Cincy...
>>"Not to be a wet blanket but the last Cincy games were
>>a poor substitute for the NHL. As others have been
>>saying, go to an Ice dogs game and save some money."
>>" ...anyone who expected to see an AHL team play
>>comparable hockey to an NHL team was bound to be
>>disappointed. Personally, I''m not convinced that AHL
>>hockey is the best hockey being played in the world
>>right now anyway."
>>"But for some any hockey is better than no hockey. But
>>back to back B league games while the stanley cup
>>playoffs should be in full swing is a slap in the
>>" i understand that the level of play is subpar
>>compared with the nhl..."

This guy is a bitter guy. I am a ducks fan and most of us are very excited to see the baby ducks! I know where this came from it is the poster mmvol from the ducks board, I have had many arguments with him he is just a total a**. to say the least! He always posts crap like this and thinks he is mr. know it all. He always bags on the ducks players about everything. I don't know why he even bothers being a fan! This isn't new he is that negative guy who has to RUIN everyone else's happiness. If you have a positive post about the Ducks he will turn around and find the negative in it. He is just that guy. I can't stand him! So please don't judge the rest of the ducks fans from him. If you had posted the whole thread where this came from you instead of one post you would see all the other posts were from people who were excited to go to the games. This is one bad seed who has to be NEGATIVE about everything. He is the type that if you were excited you won a million dollars and told him his first reaction would be "well 1/2 of it will go to taxes anyway." so please don't judge us by this one guy!

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Re: Heyone more thing12:32:32 02/25/05 Fri

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