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Subject: Re: Anyone going?

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Date Posted: 21:06:17 02/25/05 Fri
In reply to: confused 's message, "Re: Anyone going?" on 15:13:55 02/25/05 Fri

I heard tonight that they cancled taking our games now! OK IM CONFUSED!! They just need to make up their minds!

>>I wont be going A. It really bothers me the games they
>>chose to take. Wouldnt have made more sense to take
>>the Utha games? They are worried about getting a
>>little revenue there. Well arent Utha fans more likey
>>to make the trip than Milwaukee fans? We some of the
>>fans were asked they had the same opinion as I. Take
>>any other games but dont take those! It is a chance
>>for some of us to see a formor Duck who has moved on.
>>It is also a chance for some of us to see our guys
>>play one of our TRUE rivals. So yeah I guess you can
>>say I am a little upset over the situation! But the
>>next question is, they can take 6 games they have
>>taken 5 now! So the question remains which playoff
>>game will they take!!!!!
>>>Confused aren't the Utah games in Utah on the 11th
>and 12th? Are those the ones you are talking about?
>They could never take those since they are Utah's
>games not Cincy's. They want a 2 game weekend series
>so they can do all the festivities and community
>things like they did the last time and make it a
>event. Looking at the schedule it looks like Milwaukee
>was the only option for a weekend series when they are
>playing the same team back to back. So maybe that is

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Re: Anyone going?A21:32:35 02/25/05 Fri

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