Date Posted:08:43:28 09/08/12 Sat Author: Andre (NIMBY HUNTER) Subject: Re: Village Pit In reply to:
T Radley
's message, "Re: Village Pit" on 15:19:54 03/02/12 Fri
>>Something needs to be done about the motorbikes being
>>ridden around the village pit. Not only are they noisy
>>and destroying the area, it has become an unsafe place
>>to walk your dog
>motor bikes have been used for pleasure since the 50s
>probably before,and these were the days dogs walked
>around the village on their own for walks, let people
>have fun my family has been around here since the late
>1800s , let village live remain
In fact people walking dogs leaving their dog's mess is making more mess and harm than a short period of motorbike riding ever does.
A dog and a motorbike leave. the bike leaves nothing the dog leaves is poo.. Which is worse.