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Date Posted: 13:55:35 03/26/20 Thu
Author: jenn1126 (fz74889@gmail.com)
Subject: Think of the Opportunities with Google GMail Widows and Orphans and Bums, Oh My!
In reply to: jame0610 's message, "Opportunity to Embarrass Yourself before the Entire Internet with Google GMail T-Shirt Spammer" on 10:14:08 02/14/20 Fri

Widows and Orphans and Bums, Oh My!

send money and hope for the best

Have you developed any human sympathy at all, and had it all buggered away in a bad 1CellNet opportunity? Then perhaps you would be ready to help these poor, unfortunate folks who are reduced to using free Google GMail maildrops. Do not laugh, these maildrops offer some great security because there is little risk that the underlying user could ever be found, even if he were in your country and not leaching free wi-fi from a coffee shop in Lagos.

Your choice! four beach volleyball girls 2000x1558
You get to select the presentation most agreeable to your needs.
pknewll04@gmail.com widow
mariya18994@gmail.com orphan
fz74889@gmail.com bum

Whichever you choose, you cannot go wrong with GoogleGMail maildrop users and the famous three-way warranty. So there is no excuse to delay, get in touch and send money today!

Each presentation has a plausible-sounding reason that you should send money. It might be official government stamps, or perhaps bank fees. It could be delivery and demurrage. But in any event, you can be assured that multiple fees are payable as the fictional funds make their journey from the vendor's imagination to yours. It might even be laziness. The reasons are unimportant, what matters is that you act promptly to disburse the funds.

All transactions backed by the Google three-way warranty:
  1. No questions, please
  2. No money back
  3. No exceptions
Google Services
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Illustrations have nothing to do with the less fortunate persons you think you are helping. They are provided only for amusement. Not legal for trade. Review by the Atlantic City Casino Investment Redevelopment Authority and Trump cupidity may delay disbursements.

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  • Drugs from Stranger Make It Sound More Reasonable to Send Money to Microsoft SEO Scammer -- char0710 (danmarterq@outlook.com), 09:08:26 08/19/20 Wed
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