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Date Posted: 09:08:26 08/19/20 Wed
Author: char0710 (danmarterq@outlook.com)
Subject: Drugs from Stranger Make It Sound More Reasonable to Send Money to Microsoft SEO Scammer
In reply to: jame0610 's message, "Opportunity to Embarrass Yourself before the Entire Internet with Google GMail T-Shirt Spammer" on 10:14:08 02/14/20 Fri

Microsoft Wants Your Money

search and optimize it all away

In this age of virulent viral infection, it is so reassuring to realize that Microsoft are still shipping Windows, the ideal growth medium. And now, modern technology allows them to provide for anonymous maildrop services where you can send money to support this important effort without requiring 1CellNet Opportunities support.

Your web site is important. The problem is that lots of people are avoiding it. Fortunately, Microsoft experts are able to help you optimize away both potential searchers and your excess funding. Microsoft offers the best pink SEO promotion available, and when you send money it will stay sent. That is the Microsoft assurance.

No one else can provide this group of SEO experts:
So, when you have too much money and are tired of your web site, you know whom to call.

If you are not ready to do it for your company, then think of your children. Microsoft have over twenty years of experience. No one else has nearly that much experience with viral infections and corruption of youth. Your children are important, you should insist on the best.

our automated child care three girls in swimsuits 2580x1997 our fiscal optimization team
  • Rock-a-Bye Baby
  • in a tree top
  • when the wind blows,
  • the cradle will rock
  • when the bough breaks,
  • the cradle will fall
  • down will come baby,
  • cradle and all.

Now you know why you should rely on Microsoft when you are choosing your child-care and search partners. If you cannot count on Microsoft, who can you count on? And remember, only they can offer the famed Microsoft assurance.

microsoft assurance contact PCH Second Prize Scam
Count on Microsoft:
  • if you receive any money back,
  • you may mail it to Redmond,
  • and it will be accepted
No one else has this!
Microsoft Services
1 Microsoft Way
Redmond, WA 98052

pho +1 425 8828080
usa +1 800 7657768
fax +1 425 7067329
Two interesting facts about your second prize winnings:
  1. The money is make-believe
  2. You must send real money to claim your prize
Phone or text 1 785 284 5914 right away!

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  • Think of the Children with Pink Promotions for Legal Support Services -- mrro0704 (john.kilpatrick@legal-imaging.net), 14:29:06 06/04/21 Fri
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