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Date Posted: 21:01:16 11/05/08 Wed
Author: kathy
Subject: screw this show.

TG says that Luke has made his choice and that's what Laura comes to understand. Laura comes and goes and comes and goes out of his life.
During all of that coming and going, Luke has remarried Tracy and built a life with her. TG says it's a totally different relationship. He says you can love more than one person at a time, but you can't live with more than one person at a time. And as much as the audience wants L&L to stay frozen in time, it's impossible to do that and have it be anything but unrealistic.

Laura comes to the same conclusion after fighting with Tracy. GF says she got to do some work with JE and their scenes are prime to be the best catfight ever.

The fight helps Laura make her choice. TG says that they'll always love one another, but they don't necessarily have to be together anymore. He says it's what happens to people that mature. It's not the same relationship it was 30 years ago, a teenage, obsessive love affair. It's a mature love that's evolved with adulthood. Life doesn't stand still for people. They've acknowledged in the story that people's priorities change and life and people, in general, change. He thinks it's great because he can't see Luke dropping whatever his life is to accommodating Laura everytime she comes and goes and comes and goes.

GF says that shouldn't mean fans should worry that Laura will slip back into her coma, we've seen that before.

TG says they part lovingly and Laura goes to France for treatment.

GF says they leave the situation entirely pregnant and there's plenty of story to carry on with

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