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Date Posted: 19:11:44 06/08/09 Mon
Author: Lukeyhere/Elizabeth
Subject: Re: I am still hangng around complaining about Tony, Luke, and GH...lol
In reply to: LL-Fascination 's message, "I am still hangng around complaining about Tony, Luke, and GH...lol" on 10:00:19 06/08/09 Mon

Thanks for the reply, LL. Great to talk to you again.

I was aware that a few of you guys were into Lost just from skimming the boards in the past, and I recall the names Sawyer and Kate. Is an ending for Lost in sight or are they planning to continue the series indefinitely?

The Sopranos kind of ruined me for watching most everything. I have come to revere great writing more than anything else in drama, yet it's exceedingly rare. Once the Sopranos showed me the potential of filmed drama as a kind of visual literature and I began to appreciate what could happen when a genius like David Chase is given complete creative control of a show, I became so very hard to please. I don't mean to, but I end up comparing everything I watch to the Sopranos on some level, and that makes it very hard for anything else to impress me favorably.

The HBO series that got me into Gabriel Byrne, In Treatment (about a psychotherapist and his patients), just completed its second season. It's nowhere near what the Sopranos was for me, not even in the same galaxy, but it does feature some brilliant moments from time to time, and Byrne's lead character has been the real hook for me from the beginning.

Having viewed and read so many interviews with Byrne in the past few weeks/months, he has become such a compelling personality to me. He is exceedingly well-read, intelligent, and articulate with the kinds of preoccupations and sensibilities that you'd associate with a poet or great artist or philosopher. His manner of speaking, complete with lilting Irish brogue, is so soft and gentle and graceful that it literally takes me aback sometimes. Of course it doesn't hurt that he is painfully beautiful, LOL, especially when he was in his 40s and early 50s (he just turned 59).

I just watched him in a late 90s movie called "Polish Wedding", and it literally hurt to look at him he was so pretty. I had to freeze his face a couple of times to drink in those blue eyes.:-) Plus his character was this incredibly endearing, humble baker with a beautiful soul whose wife was cheating on him, so he had the sympathy factor going for him bigtime. In any case, that would probably be the first movie I'd recommend if I was trying to illustrate to someone else what so captivates me about him. It's not a great film by any means, but it's very watchable and he is sensational in it.

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