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Date Posted: 22:26:38 11/09/06 Thu
Author: Sara
Subject: >>
In reply to: Jon 's message, ">>" on 22:16:24 11/09/06 Thu

Sara swallowed a little as he looked away and lowered her own gaze- their student-teacher relationship coming back to her and feeling very silly and innappropriate. She looked up at him again as he stood and took his hand, her fingers light and warm in his. She came to her feet elegantly, at around 5'5 she wasn't short, but not too tall either, especially with her heels on. "Oh... No... just a cab i guess..." Her dad had left for the weekend... or the week- she wasn;t sure, and he had dropped her off here, so she was without a ride home. She could have probably gotten a lift with one of her friends but she didn;t think she could face them right now- her dress was still wet and her skin felt a little sticky from the punch and she felt like a mess. "My father's away... and I didn't drive myself here..." She explained, taking her hand back reluctantly and using it to tuck her blonde hair behind her ear. She often thought she would trade in the million dollar mansion and the brandy new TT and the goldcards to live in one of those little condo's downtown where there weren;t enough rooms for all the kids and the family were all packed in together- at least it would be a family.

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