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Date Posted: 22:42:53 11/09/06 Thu
Author: Jon
Subject: >>

Jon hesitantly let Sara have her hand back, watching her. As she spoke he frowned slightly. "Oh.. well.. I could take you home.." He offered, not sure if he should be doing that but calling her a taxi just didn't seem very proper. Jon could be a little old fashioned at times and was probably one of the few men left that would go out of his way to treat people properly. Jon didn't blame her for not wanting to talk to one of her friends about getting a ride home. Just when things about James had started to calm down this happened. It was too bad really, all this and trying to compete in writing competitions would be a little much. But he hoped maybe she could find some outlet in her writing. Jon hadn't known what it was like to be lonely at home until he had graduated from college, then Julia had moved in with him. He'd loved sharing his home with her. Now he was alone again.
Jon was glad she had accepted his offer to drive her home, he wouldn't have felt right letting her just get a taxi home. Jon's car was a nice but simple green maxima, it wasnt anything special but the insurance was cheap and it got good gas milage. He followed Sara's instructions to her house and go out, going around to her door quickly and opening it for her. He shut it behind her and shoved his hands in his pockets, walking her up to the door. Damn this was a big house. He wasn't surprised, most of the kids lived in mansions, but he couldn't ever get over how big they were, having grown up in a small, two room house. "I uh.. I guess I'll see you in class monday.." He said unsurely, feeling like he should say something more, standing close to her by the door. The urge to kiss her snuck on him yet again and it was taking all his will standing next to her not to just go with it.

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