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Date Posted: 21:54:00 02/09/07 Fri
Author: Sara
Subject: >>
In reply to: Jon 's message, ">>" on 21:39:40 02/09/07 Fri

Sara sat down in the couch close to him, her fingers remaining linked loosely into his, her body facing him, eyes flickering over him with great interest and attention. She hadn't ever seen herself in this position with him... even in her wildest dreams. She had always thought he was good looking like the other girls- but unlike the other girls she had never dreamt of starting rumours or even imagining what it would be like to be with him. Sara was a pretty level headed girl. She grinned almost sheepishly as he commented on the dance, rolling her eyes skyward and nodding in agreement. "I know... I kind of wish I could cut out the whole thing up until you drove me home..." She murmured , her gaze returning to his softly, an amused little smile playing over her pretty lips. "Its funny... nothing seems to bother me since then- not the catty remarks or the laughing or anything..." And it had all had her pretty upset beforehand- before Jon had kissed her. She let a grin slip over her lips as he commented on the house and watched him look around, laughing a little and shrugging her shoulders "I guess I don;t have much else of a choice, It gets pretty lonely though... I could stay in the pool-house I guess but its a bit cold this time of year... would you like the tour?" She offered. She didn;t particularly want to show off or boast about it or anything- she would much rather live in a nice little one or two bed apartment but being seventeen she didn't have a whole lot of choice in the matter. Her fingers still played with his gently, relaxed and comfortable with him, if perhaps aching to kiss him again, wetting her lips subconsciously as she let her gaze flicker of his lips, remembering how they felt against hers.

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