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Date Posted: 22:38:09 02/10/07 Sat
Author: Jon
Subject: >>

The last thing Jon wanted was this to get out. It would be the end of his career. Which sounded selfish but it was true. Sara would bounce back, she'd be in a little trouble for a little while then nothing. She'd graduate highschool and move on with her life. But Jon, he'd be screwed for life. But that was far from his mind now. He nodded in agreement as she said that things just seemed worse when they were happening to you. But he let the subject drop, glad when she said the tour could wait. He hesitated slightly before draping his free arm around her as casually as he could, but blinked in surprise as she spoke, feeling his social awkwardness full force. He'd never been good at stuff like this, and he found it sad that she was seventeen and seemed more comfortable with herself than he did. He was a man, an older one, wasn't he supposed to be the one making all the moves? Or atleast thats what he'd always been told. But now he wasn't so sure about that. He liked the sound of his name when she said it. "Well I.. I want to kiss you again too Sara." Jon told her, glancing away then looking back at her, not knowing if he should kiss her or if she was going to kiss him or what.

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