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Date Posted: 22:56:26 02/10/07 Sat
Author: Jon
Subject: >>
In reply to: Sara 's message, ">>" on 22:46:32 02/10/07 Sat

It had taken time for Jon to be as comfortable teaching a class as he was, he'd never thought he'd get the hang of it. But he loved teaching, and it was the only time he felt confident around people. But when it came to one on one interractions, especially with girls, he was fumbling and shy. The teachers at school would be surprised at just how socially inept he was. They all thought he was confident, if quiet. But Mr. Ackart and Jon seemed to be two totally different people. Sara being his student did add to his awkwardness, but it would have been there anyway, it was always there. He swallowed softly as she moved her face to his and kissed her, instantly losing himself in sweetness of it, feeling her hand on his chest. His arm stayed around her, his free hand running over her hair lightly as she deepened their kiss, accepting her tongue. His awkwardness seemed almost gone now. Jon was a good kisser, he took his time and he was constantly adjusting to accomodate the one he was kissing, he had a shy personality but he'd always been eager to please. He was only nervous in the moments leading up to things like this, when he wasn't sure what was about to happen. But when it was happening he was more confident, though never forward.

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