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Date Posted: 19:13:06 02/28/07 Wed
Author: Sara
Subject: >>
In reply to: Jon 's message, ">>" on 18:16:23 02/28/07 Wed

She smiled and nodded, ignoring his comment about illegal activities and breezing over it... what they were doing wasn;t illegal yet... nothing that said that he couldnt kiss her- except maybe the school board- but still. This would have been perfectly healthy a hundred years ago- less even, and even today in many cultures. It wouldnt even be blinked at in europe- when everything seemed to become legal at 15 or 16. "Okay... Talk to you later" She flashed him a pretty grin and headed for the door. She slipped out and was releived to see the corridor completely empty, and headed to the cafeteria to join her friends. The rest of the day passed excutiatingly slowly. Her spanish class just seemed to drag on forever and then she had to talk her way out of going to the mall with her friends so that she could be free to take his call. She quickly headed out to her brand new and improved Audi TT. She managed to get away fairly quickly and hurried home.

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