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Date Posted: 14:39:31 09/16/06 Sat
Author: Marc
Subject: He closted the door to the penthouse apartment and put the bolt on, flicking all the lights on with a single switch. His mom had been by- all the blinds were down and their was a distict smell of her lasagne coming from the kitchen. He smirked a little, grateful for what she did for him in her subtle little ways. He glanced to Ash as she spoke, nodding a little in agreement as he rested a hand in the middle of her back and guided her towards the kitchen "Yeah I know... It would be hard." He had considered selling this place and finding somewhere else- but he realised he didn;t want to even start looking without Ash being the one to look with him. "Do you feel like some food? I have a bottle of your favourite wine in the fridge and theres a lasagne ready to eat?" He said, trying to tempt her. He hadn;t really had much of an appitite lately, but he;d been eating for eatings sake- however he had a feeling he might enjoy sitting down with her and sharing a meal.
In reply to: Ash 's message, "
And this is the new begining that everyone has been waiting for
on 14:31:15 09/16/06 Sat

>It still wasn't easy to be back here
>just because they had so many memories of them as a
>family here and those were the most precious memories
>that she had. A low breath escaped her lips as she
>looked around and wrapped her fingers a little tighter
>around his as she took a deep breath and tried to
>focus her emotions. "I was thinking the other night
>that it was probably a good thing that we didn't find
>a house we liked...it would be hard to live with all
>the memories there you know?" She murmured softly,
>shifting to take off her boots and her jacket that she
>had put back on when they left the bar. Her eyes
>travelled around the apartment again, just taking it
>in from being here again, the memories, god, she had
>loved living here with him.

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  • She took in a deep breath, inhaling the scent of the lasagna. She hadn't had much of an appetite either and it showed. She had gained weight while she had been with Marc and she knew he liked her curvy with some meat on her bones but since they had broken up she had lost a lot of it again, leaving her a bit too skinny looking. "Lasagna sounds good..." She murmured, her gaze up at him before she smiled and ran her hand down his bicep gently. "Why don't you go turn on the stereo? Something kinda happy and I'll pull out the lasagna and get some bread heated up?" She had always loved taking care of him, cooking for him, waking up with him in the morning... (NT) -- Ash, 14:43:41 09/16/06 Sat
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