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Date Posted: 10:08:58 09/17/06 Sun
Author: Marc
Subject: He lowered his gaze and pursed his lips a touch. It wasn;t that he was getting soft- just that he had been doing a lot of quiet thinking and he thought it was time for some honesty. She had seen him at his most vulnerable- and that was bound to change things. "That you can forgive me and learn to trust me again... that we get back together and get a new home together... and that we make Jessie some brothers and sisters.... I hope that we get our lives back on track... together."
In reply to: Ash 's message, "
And this is the new begining that everyone has been waiting for
on 14:31:15 09/16/06 Sat

>It still wasn't easy to be back here
>just because they had so many memories of them as a
>family here and those were the most precious memories
>that she had. A low breath escaped her lips as she
>looked around and wrapped her fingers a little tighter
>around his as she took a deep breath and tried to
>focus her emotions. "I was thinking the other night
>that it was probably a good thing that we didn't find
>a house we liked...it would be hard to live with all
>the memories there you know?" She murmured softly,
>shifting to take off her boots and her jacket that she
>had put back on when they left the bar. Her eyes
>travelled around the apartment again, just taking it
>in from being here again, the memories, god, she had
>loved living here with him.

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  • She let out a soft breath, her eyes growing wider and wider as he continued speaking. Swallowing, she turned her eyes to him, her brow furrowed a little as she cleared her throat. "Those...those are a lot of hopes.." She stated, her lower lip jutted out thoughtfully for a moment. She hadn't expected this really, not right now. She thought maybe he still had feelings for her but talking about having more kids? She swallowed heavily, her head tipped back to the back of the sofa for a moment before she closed her eyes, just trying to figure out what to say to him about all of this, it was a little overwhelming. (NT) -- Ash, 11:55:58 10/13/06 Fri
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