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Well, I'm glad YOU think you know what you're on about... -- DJ Inky, 20:55:23 05/02/01 Wed (
Obviously my opinions don't count, so lets let a homo do all the talking! Yeah!!! Bloody fags, you lot ruin the world.
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Phoenix the Rebirth is the biggest gay ever, I just turn him on.... -- gay, 23:16:25 05/02/01 Wed (
God he's so gay, I want to abuse his confused self. I'd punch him and he would get excited I bet.
He's so gay it makes me want to kill him, but he'd enjoy it, the fucking sadomasichist piece of shit.
Let's kill him.
> Obviously my opinions don't count, so lets let a homo
>do all the talking! Yeah!!! Bloody fags, you lot ruin
>the world.
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dont u know how to say anything else except for callin ppl gay god u need a bigger vocabulary -- chichi, 20:40:08 05/03/01 Thu (
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hmm you all sympathise when it's arachaphobia or dogphobia.... -- gay, 13:43:51 05/04/01 Fri (
but when it's homophobia you all start crying
[arachanphobe]: eww spider, kill it!
[person]: aww, okay *kills spider*
[dogphobe]: aarrrh dog, kill it!
[dog owner]: BAD DOG *hits dog*
[homophobe]: arrrh gay, kill it!
[people]: oh that's a bad attitude, YOU deserve to die
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Ohhh no... -- Selphie, 19:23:40 05/05/01 Sat (
They don't sympathise when it's those damned clowns though!
[Erin] Ahhhh it's a clown, kill it!
[Stranger] Young lady, you are sick. It's people like you who make this world an unsafe place. Clowns are friends to the children! *Goes away tut tut tuting*
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Re: Ohhh no... -- Elric, 20:54:08 05/05/01 Sat (
Something I've been meaning to ask you is why you hate clowns so much. As for why I hate them, it's because they hide who they are behind the ugly makeup, goofy clothes, and ridiculous routine. I don't like people who hide who they are, because I view it as a form of lying, and liars are the only thing on my list that I hate more than clowns.
On the other hand, anyone who dresses up in ugly clothes and voluntarily does something nobody sane and over the age of seven would enjoy can't be at all good.
>They don't sympathise when it's
>those damned clowns though!
>[Erin] Ahhhh it's a clown, kill it!
>[Stranger] Young lady, you are sick. It's people like
>you who make this world an unsafe place. Clowns are
>friends to the children! *Goes away tut tut tuting*
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Many reasons... -- Selphie, 00:41:40 05/06/01 Sun (
All the make up and stuff they wear is just plain freaky!
I remember watching the film "It" with the evil clown when I was really young and that is the only horror film that has ever terrified me! I think that's what started off my fear. After that comes my first memory of going to the circus. I hated it as soon as I came in, all the animals in cages! Then there were the clowns everywhere! I don't remember this, but apparently us kids were being "entertained" by a clown, and I started crying because I was scared, then the clown started laughing in my face and squirted me with water. My mam had to take me home. Just since then my fear and hatred has grown!
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that's pathetic. clown's are a form of lying, hahaha that's fucking stupid -- gay, 18:06:49 05/06/01 Sun (
>Something I've been meaning to ask you is why you hate
>clowns so much. As for why I hate them, it's because
>they hide who they are behind the ugly makeup, goofy
>clothes, and ridiculous routine. I don't like people
>who hide who they are, because I view it as a form of
>lying, and liars are the only thing on my list that I
>hate more than clowns.
>On the other hand, anyone who dresses up in ugly
>clothes and voluntarily does something nobody sane and
>over the age of seven would enjoy can't be at all good.
>>They don't sympathise when it's
>>those damned clowns though!
>>[Erin] Ahhhh it's a clown, kill it!
>>[Stranger] Young lady, you are sick. It's people like
>>you who make this world an unsafe place. Clowns are
>>friends to the children! *Goes away tut tut tuting*
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Joe Bloggs! -- Wayne, 02:10:04 05/09/01 Wed (
>>Something I've been meaning to ask you is why you hate
>>clowns so much. As for why I hate them, it's because
>>they hide who they are behind the ugly makeup, goofy
>>clothes, and ridiculous routine. I don't like people
>>who hide who they are, because I view it as a form of
>>lying, and liars are the only thing on my list that I
>>hate more than clowns.
>>On the other hand, anyone who dresses up in ugly
>>clothes and voluntarily does something nobody sane and
>>over the age of seven would enjoy can't be at all
>>>They don't sympathise when it's
>>>those damned clowns though!
>>>[Erin] Ahhhh it's a clown, kill it!
>>>[Stranger] Young lady, you are sick. It's people like
>>>you who make this world an unsafe place. Clowns are
>>>friends to the children! *Goes away tut tut tuting*
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