Subject: Re: Coah Renark? |
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Date Posted: 07/ 2/06 7:23pm
In reply to:
's message, "Re: Coah Renark?" on 07/ 2/06 1:50pm
>(I have a call
>back for a modeling gig)
Good luck! Lemme know how it goes, k? I'll keep my fingers crossed for you. :)
>Yeah - it was alot of fun :) She's interesting? Lol. I
>can't tell you how many times I've heard that.
Well, I mean, I could've said she's beautiful, but you already know that. :) And I could've said she's really smart, but that's like, duh, no kidding, Dad! lol I wouldn't think you'd get with a ditz anyway. So, went with interesting, as in one of a kind and unique and I liked her for you.
>Haha. No - I don't need to go to Columbia the drug
>capital of the world. Lol.
Uhhh, yeah. lol That's what I thought. I was just a leetle bit concerned. lol
>Hah - did we quit together? Of course not. She's a
>junkie. Dad - she has HIV. I don't know what to do
>with that whole mess.
I had a feeling. Seems like that would make it even harder for you to stay clean, right? I dunno. I mean, I can't tell you what to do, Dam. If she's using and you think you're strong enough to deal with it, then stay with her if you love her. If you're not deeply in love with her, then I'd break up, but stay close friends, cuz when she cleans up, then maybe you'd have a chance at something then, and at the least, she'd have a good friend who'll stick by her. She probably doesn't have lots of friends like that if she's an addict. Addicts are notorious for ripping each other off. I'd definitely recommend keeping seperate bank accounts and don't let her have access to all that money you just inherited, Buddy. But, at the same time, take good care of her, you know? Give her an allowance, so she can buy whatever she wants with it and then take care of all her expenses and medical, etc. while you're living together. At least you'll know her needs are being met and she won't you know, be homeless or anything. HIV is a really expensive fucking disease. But, I have to tell you, as your dad, my main concern is you and I want you to be sure to keep yourself safe and protected, ok? You lucked out that you didn't get it, so far. So, let's keep that luck rolling by being smart, eh? Ok, Dad lecture of the week is over. lol (Btw, you don't get to complain too loudly when I lecture you, cuz like I didn't do it for years! lol) jk
>It would be great to get away. Thank you.
Sure, it'll be fun. Name the day and we'll go. Can't wait to show you around. And I don't htink you've been to the retreat in Cambodia since you were like 9 or 10! lol So, we can do that whenever you want to go, too.
>Actually she was pretty much an Athiest most of the
>time. But she still meditated. We even had a room for
>it. Lol
Oh, that's right. Forgot. *shrugs* Well, she was really tollerant then of my religion, so that's pretty cool. :)
>She has a French accent. Pretty right? I don't mind
>how skinny she is. Because I mean - I know she's not
>anorexic. She eats ridiculously. More than I do. Lol.
Very pretty. Yeah, looks aren't as important as personality and character. I love women with nice curves, but on the slender side, with full lips, have to have great legs, the longer the better, lol, and I prefer long hair.
>Why can't you just have her as your girlfriend? Is it
>a sex thing? Or just that you're scared?
Those are som great questions. Wish I had the answers. lol I htink of her as my gf, but I don't like to be alone, ever. I like having sims around all the time. Obviously, if she's not around at night, I'll need someone. *shrug* But, I mean, I've got someone in pretty much every city on my usual route (when I was touring), so it's not like I'd just sleep with anybody. I was with the same women for years and years. Chantal in France, Heidi in Switzerland, Amani in S. Africa, Nadia in Russa, etc. (Just throwing those names out there, they're not exactly accurate, lol). And I did that, cuz I didn't wnat to bring home any weird diseases to Addie when she and I were together, so it's worked out pretty well for me. If she's with me, then I don't need anyone else, but if she's not, then I guess you could say that sex is my "heroin". I'm totally addicted and it's not just to that, but really it's to women. I just love women. I love to spoil them, show them off, look at them, smell them, everything about them. And I can't answer those questions. If I could, I'd probably be faithfully married by now. lol Like I said, it doesn't make any sense.
>I need to tell my doctor that. he was really concerned.
Yeah, well, I mean, genetically, that wouldn't affect you, but environmentally, I guess maybe it would? I dunno. I mean, I don't think I drank around you kids much. And, Havee didn't drink very much when she grew up, but she got the sex addiction (if that's what it is) like me. However, I dont' really see that as an addiction. I just happen to have a really strong libido and like I said, I love everything having to do with women, period. She, (Havee), was like that with guys. Cody almost never drank and if he did, it was pretty lightweight, I think. Of course, I'm remembering and it was a long time ago. I guess they could've faked it, but there really wouldn't have been any reason to with me. Now, one of Cody's sons, (can't remember which), got into some trouble with drugs, but I think he was just experimenting. Dont' think it was an addiction. I could be worng though. Just the grandpa, you know. lol
>Really? That's pretty weird. I thought I was the only
>one. Lol.
Nah, yer not alone, Kiddo. :) Happens to the best of us. lol
So, lemme know how your audition/shoot goes, ok? ttyl,
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