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Subject: Re: Coah Renark?

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Date Posted: 07/ 5/06 5:47pm
In reply to: Coah 's message, "Re: Coah Renark?" on 07/ 2/06 7:23pm

>Good luck! Lemme know how it goes, k? I'll keep my
>fingers crossed for you. :)

Ahh - I didn't get it. But that's okay.

>Well, I mean, I could've said she's beautiful, but you
>already know that. :) And I could've said she's really
>smart, but that's like, duh, no kidding, Dad! lol I
>wouldn't think you'd get with a ditz anyway. So,
>went with interesting, as in one of a kind and unique
>and I liked her for you.

Haha - thanks.

>I had a feeling. Seems like that would make it even
>harder for you to stay clean, right? I dunno. I
>mean, I can't tell you what to do, Dam. If she's
>using and you think you're strong enough to deal with
>it, then stay with her if you love her. If you're not
>deeply in love with her, then I'd break up, but stay
>close friends, cuz when she cleans up, then maybe
>you'd have a chance at something then, and at the
>least, she'd have a good friend who'll stick by her.
>She probably doesn't have lots of friends like that if
>she's an addict. Addicts are notorious for ripping
>each other off. I'd definitely recommend keeping
>seperate bank accounts and don't let her have access
>to all that money you just inherited, Buddy. But, at
>the same time, take good care of her, you know? Give
>her an allowance, so she can buy whatever she wants
>with it and then take care of all her expenses and
>medical, etc. while you're living together. At least
>you'll know her needs are being met and she won't you
>know, be homeless or anything. HIV is a really
>expensive fucking disease. But, I have to tell you,
>as your dad, my main concern is you and I want you to
>be sure to keep yourself safe and protected, ok? You
>lucked out that you didn't get it, so far. So, let's
>keep that luck rolling by being smart, eh? Ok, Dad
>lecture of the week is over. lol (Btw, you don't get
>to complain too loudly when I lecture you, cuz like I
>didn't do it for years! lol) jk

She has no access to anything of mine. We live in separate apartments, separate lives. I'm not going to let her get my money. Then again - she has a good ammount of money herself from modeling.

I don't have it. I'm glad. I never share...Ever. I never did. I love her though - and I would never leave her for that. She's just really screwed up - but I'm okay with that. I love her no matter what - the HIV is under control (she doesn't have full blown AIDS) and she agreed to let me help her quit.

>Sure, it'll be fun. Name the day and we'll go. Can't
>wait to show you around. And I don't htink you've
>been to the retreat in Cambodia since you were like 9
>or 10! lol So, we can do that whenever you want to
>go, too.

Next month?

>Oh, that's right. Forgot. *shrugs* Well, she was
>really tollerant then of my religion, so that's pretty
>cool. :)

No, no, no. She was a buddhist for a long time Dad. It's just when I remember she was more of an athiest/agnostic.

>Very pretty. Yeah, looks aren't as important as
>personality and character. I love women with nice
>curves, but on the slender side, with full lips, have
>to have great legs, the longer the better, lol, and I
>prefer long hair.

Hah. I don't really have much preferance. Face needs to look good. That's about it.

>Those are som great questions. Wish I had the
>answers. lol I htink of her as my gf, but I don't
>like to be alone, ever. I like having sims around all
>the time. Obviously, if she's not around at night,
>I'll need someone. *shrug* But, I mean, I've got
>someone in pretty much every city on my usual route
>(when I was touring), so it's not like I'd just sleep
>with anybody. I was with the same women for years and
>years. Chantal in France, Heidi in Switzerland, Amani
>in S. Africa, Nadia in Russa, etc. (Just throwing
>those names out there, they're not exactly accurate,
>lol). And I did that, cuz I didn't wnat to bring home
>any weird diseases to Addie when she and I were
>together, so it's worked out pretty well for me. If
>she's with me, then I don't need anyone else, but if
>she's not, then I guess you could say that sex is my
>"heroin". I'm totally addicted and it's not just to
>that, but really it's to women. I just love women. I
>love to spoil them, show them off, look at them, smell
>them, everything about them. And I can't answer those
>questions. If I could, I'd probably be faithfully
>married by now. lol Like I said, it doesn't make any

Yeah - I know what you mean. My friend David's like that. He says his sex-addiction is uncontrolable. I don't know - there might be something to that. Lol. I wish I had that excuse. Haha.

>Yeah, well, I mean, genetically, that wouldn't affect
>you, but environmentally, I guess maybe it would? >>Really? That's pretty weird. I thought I was the only
>>one. Lol.

Shit - I keep forgetting that. Lol. I'm so dumb sometimes.

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...Damien07/20/06 7:07am

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