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Subject: Re: Theresa

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Date Posted: 06:46:07 02/09/05 Wed
In reply to: Theresa 's message, "Re: Theresa" on 13:04:50 02/08/05 Tue

Dear Theresa,
Your conditions sounds like what TCM classified as "Zhen Re Jia Han" (literally, "True Heat masquarading as False Cold")... but I would need to be present with you to do a proper diagnosis.

For such conditions, it is indicative of inability of the physical body to deal effectively with pathogenic factors... a "weakness" in the system somewhere. It also indicates a stagnation of "qi" (pronounced as "chi", the vital life force driving physiological mechanisms).

Also, I am not talking about eating more chicken (which is no good for some type of cough as it make the throat produce too much phlegm)!

I mean that you can try drinking a bowl of hot chicken soup (or even a simple porridge, for that mattter) sprinkled with white pepper seed powder. That will give the boost to help expel remaining pathogenic factors. Then, sponge (or wipe with damp cloth) the body. Finally, after a good sleep, drink an infusion a few slices of American Ginseng soaked in hot water until it turns warm for drinking comfort.

But remember not to eat too much rich food during treatment. And not to be exposed to another cold draught.

Good health!

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