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Subject: Re: Poetry

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Date Posted: 17:04:13 02/21/05 Mon
In reply to: Denise 's message, "Re: Poetry" on 11:50:11 02/20/05 Sun

Dear Denise,
Thanks. Poerty is one way to express intense feelings. I was reading her email on some mundane stuff. I had previously sent her some friendship poems around Valentine's Day. But I had wanted to compose one as a special gift. So, that's how it the poem was born.

About the 'twine', I was referring to the way DNA (the biochemical structure that holds our genes) twirl as a pair around each other, linked by complimentary pairs of nucleotides (biochemical compounds that forms the 'rungs' of the DNA 'spiral ladder').

I chose to use DNA because both of us major in Biology, and both of us have complimentary characters, and both of us support each other with our differences to form the same identity.

Oh, my TS didn't respond. No, I don't think she is 'speechless'... just that in our culture here, we are not brought up to be expressive of feelings. But I know she like it. I met her yesterday to help her in the greenhouse where she was conducting her biology experiments. We had good time talking as we work. She bought me mango pudding when we rested for a break. I stayed till it's time for her to go home in the late evening, and I went back to my lab to continue my work.

I wished we'll have more sharing moments like this. She said she was happy that there is company. Well, if not anything more, at least she enjoyed the company... that I am sure.


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