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Subject: Re: Other Worlds

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Date Posted: 21:59:55 03/03/05 Thu
In reply to: Theresa 's message, "Other Worlds" on 16:06:03 03/03/05 Thu


I was thinking about you this evening. My aunt gave me a video "Under the Tuscan Sun" It has sunflowers on it. I immediately thought of you. I wanted to buy this video used, and here it is brand new. Isn't that wonderful?

I can't wait for the Spring to come, to feel the warmth of the sun and the nice walks in the morning and the fresh smell of Spring in the air.

So wonderful you connected with your TS on the otherside. I am so happy and amazed to hear this. I know you are very happy, you are so lucky.

How do you get into this chat room? Do you need Java, because i don't have Java.


>Dear Alvin and Denise,
>Chat last night at TSE was so powerfully beautiful for
>me. When I said we should talk about other worlds, I
>was thinking about other planets, other galaxies, and
>other universes. But other worlds does include the
>Other Side. And quite surprisingly, my twin soul came
>through. What a tremendous joy! He was sending me
>gifts of rose, poppies, rainbows, and butterflies.
>Now the rose, poppies, and butterflies identified him.
> As I mentioned here, he loves roses. About a couple
>of years before he made the transition to the Other
>Side, he showed an avid interest in poppies. As to
>the butterflies, one of his gifts he gave me while he
>was still on this side was a beautiful butterfly
>blanket. I cover myself with it all the time. People
>kept telling me there were so many beautiful flowers.
> Beautiful colors. It was amazingly wondrous!
>There was more very interesting information. It was
>said by quite a few including the moderator that I am
>a Lemurian. I was also a priestess. I have always
>known I was a priestess. After the chat, I did some
>research on Lemurians. It resonated a lot! It is
>strange I have not had an overwhelming interest in
>Atlantis. I was also told I had some Atlantean
>connections. That makes sense since Lemuria went into
>non-existence before Atlantis did. So a lot of
>surviving Lemurians went to Atlantis. I was also told
>I had a connection to Khemetian. That is the common
>portal between ancient Sryia and ancient Eygypt.
>People sense I had more of a connection to ancient
>Syria than I did to Egypt. Much to ponder here. I
>will have to do some time traveling and see the past
>lives my twin soul and I shared. He is here now. I
>get the feeling he will join me on these time travels.
>Love And Blessed Be,

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Subject Author Date
Re: Other WorldsTheresa14:50:58 03/04/05 Fri

TSEAlvin16:21:07 03/04/05 Fri
  • Re: TSE -- Theresa, 01:32:43 03/06/05 Sun

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