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Date Posted: 16:55:47 09/12/04 Sun
Author: TimeTurner
Subject: if I could turn back time [Advanced HP]

Harry 6th's year has started and Lord Voldemort has grown stronger by the minute. It seems that time is now an enemy to the forces of Dumbledore and Harry. New threats have arisen as Voldemort turns his eyes onto building a dark army using werewolves and half-breeds. What goes around, comes around as the old sayings go. The Ministry of Magic is now seeing that comming true as the discrimination againist non-humans has come back to them. After all, the non-humans would rather follow Voldemort who promises them wants and desires rather than follow those who have discrimnated againsit them for years. Still, as always, there is a glimmer of hope, in Hogwarts, some half-breeds still remain on the side of Dumbledore. For now, at least.

Other than that, Hogwarts seemed to go by peacefully in its ways due to last year's events. However, soon mysterious events began to happen in the school that not even magic can comprehend. Some say something paranormal is happening.

© JK Rowling & Rayne Merrywolf

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