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[image opens in a new window when clicked] or copy and paste As the sun climbs high into the sky, it beats down upon your coat, and weariness takes over your body. Suddenly you collapse, and have no will to journey on, for you have been traveling for many days and nights, and trudged through various types of terrain. Reluctantly open your eyes, and before you stands a new land, a new challenge to cross, but soon you realise that this new earth is occupied by the equine race, old and young, big and small equines are visable as far as the naked eye can see, as are patchwork fields and meadows. This land offers a great amount of hospitality, welcome my child to the great Lands of the Zodiac. You have been lured into this realm by the stars, for they are beautiful, and even the most resistant equine cannot resist the temptation to follow them, and see where they lead. Many equines before you have fallen into this same fate, and they are unable to escape once the arrive here. Created many centuries ago, these lands have only seen rebirth of the equine race upon this earth for little more than a decade. History will be repeated, as broken alliances are reforged, and battles will once again break out. |