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Date Posted: 17:12:45 03/02/05 Wed
Author: Nyxx

the new revolution..

..It swept over the land of oblivast quickly, setting up luminous effects where shadows hid and darkness lingered. The flashlight swept over the land quickly, it was now the final warning to take heed of.

What were these warnings that kept occurring? Why did they keep happening?

There were three herds that remained. Ayanbor, Zyhrim and Hratec. Each of these herds have different abilities, it just so happens they all dislike each other. Ayanbor has the ability of Strength, they are usually very dangerous, tough, and very cold. Zyhrim has the ability of agility. They are usualy very kind and smart. The last herd, Hratec, has the ability of Dark Wisdom. They are usually very quiet, extremely intelligent and very good fighters.

Now each of these herds need each other in order to survive, unfortunately they all seem to hate one another, but without these three abilities, no one will survive. They need to learn to not only like each other, but cooperate and save one another to save their species.

Will you be one to make a difference?


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