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Date Posted: 04:16:33 03/07/05 Mon
Author: dreams of peace___
Subject: arendia's edge___

In the years of Colonial America, an English lord by the name of Sir Andrew Turner built an estate in the western part of fledgling USA, and his wealth and opulance fueled the beginning of a small town out the outskirts of his estate Arendia Manor. Coupled with the influx of people due to the gold rush, smaller houses and business seemed to pop up, newly formed every day. As the years passed by, this village remained untouched by the turmoil of the civil war.

Today, the thriving village has changed into a modern-day town, whose name has been handed down to it from the original estate. Amid shopping malls, high-end restaurants, and educational institutions, this urban centre harbours a society that comprises of people from many levels of the spectrum.

The rich, the comfortable, and the destitute all co-exist in the bustling town, Arendia's Edge.

Every town is it's own corner of the universe

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