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Date Posted: 20:58:03 11/29/04 Mon
Author: Nat / Aly
Subject: "I know... I love you too." She responded just as easily, and then sighed quietly as she cuddled herself against his chest, nuzzling his cheek sweetly. "So much, Adam..." She didn't care either that her brother and friend were downstairs - they were plenty capable of keeping themselves entertained for a little bit. All she wanted was a little bit of time with him, which she was enjoying right then. // "But can't you think of anything better?" It wasn't that she doubted he wanted that, it was just that she couldn't very well wrap herself up and set herself underneath the Christmas tree. She just wanted to be able to put something down there for him. Really though, she couldn't complain too much because she couldn't think of what she herself wanted. Edging away from him again - reluctant again - she poured in the pasta and got another pot going with sauce in it to warm up.
In reply to: Adam & Jake 's message, "
...and I don't ever wanna leave again with at least sayin' goodbye..
on 17:09:31 11/29/04 Mon

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  • He smiled softly, his hand soothing down her hair to put it back in place before he pressed a soft kiss to her lips. "Come on baby, lets get downstairs and make sure Jake isn't having poor Aly slave over the stove all by herself." He smiled softly before he shifted to stand, grabbing his shirt and tugging it on as he watched her. // He grinned gently, shaking his head. "I'll give you a real idea of what to get me when you come up with what you want." He stated softly, tilting his head to the side as he watched her. His eyes drifted occasionally around the room though his attention was focused completely on her - it was bonus to get spend the evening with her that he hadn't been expecting. (NT) -- Adam/Jake, 21:21:43 11/29/04 Mon

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