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Date Posted: 23:02:54 11/29/04 Mon
Author: Aly / Nat
Subject: "Jake's being dumb about what he wants for Christmas. I asked him first, but now he's saying that'll he tell me after I tell him. That's not fair, is it?" She asked Adam quite seriously, glancing over her shoulder to look at the young man - who even she noticed looked trouble, but knew better than to say anything. For a group of friends and family who all meant a lot to each other, they sure had their share of secrets at times... // She just shook her head and smirked a little, looping one arm around her brother's neck and patting his chest with her other hand. "Jake doesn't usually get anything for Christmas. Santa's never liked him much. He causes too much trouble. Once in a while dad'll give him a book or something, but usually he just gets a card."
In reply to: Adam & Jake 's message, "
...and I don't ever wanna leave again with at least sayin' goodbye..
on 17:09:31 11/29/04 Mon

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  • "Yeah, coal and all that stuff." He cleared his throat before he let out a low breath. His brow furrowed still before he went over to Aly, his arms going around her as he pressed a kiss to her neck gently. "Smells good sweetheart..." He stated softly, his eyes going to Adam going for a moment before he just shifted to kiss Aly's cheek. // He let out soft breath, frowning at Jake before his head jerked up as the doorbell rang. "Fuck." He breathed softly, glancing at Natty before he swallowed a bit. "Why don't you go on and set the table, baby girl? I'll get it." (NT) -- Jake/Adam, 23:05:34 11/29/04 Mon

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