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Date Posted: 23:29:04 11/29/04 Mon
Author: Aly / Nat
Subject: "Good. Are you starving?" One hand curled around his wrist and slipped slowly up his arm and then back down as she glanced back to him and smiled affectionately before shifting to drain the pasta and turn off the elements and everything. She was used to cooking for her dad all the time growing up, so it was nothing to be cooking for the group of them - especially when she considered the options for cooks... // Her brows furrowed and she looked up - it was all that she could do not to snap at the boys, who were getting to be very obvious about the fact that something was going on. "What is your problem Adam?" She cocked a brow at him and just shook her head, ignoring his suggestion and heading out of the kitchen to answer the door - it was a well-known fact that she loved answering the door when it was a surprise visitor, so she wasn't about to be denied the chance.
In reply to: Adam & Jake 's message, "
...and I don't ever wanna leave again with at least sayin' goodbye..
on 17:09:31 11/29/04 Mon

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  • Jake and Adam both set their jaws before Adam let out a low breath, going to stop her before she got to the door but it was to late. The two men in black overcoats flashed their badges, one speaking. "Detectives Simone and Binks m'am, we need to speak with Davenport and McKenzi, please" (NT) -- boys, 23:44:02 11/29/04 Mon

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