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Date Posted: 00:05:32 11/30/04 Tue
Author: Nat
Subject: "Adam." She frowned after him as both boys disappeared out into the hall, but had no choice but to just wait, so headed back into the kitchen to wordlessly help Aly finish setting up - both girls were silent, Aly just looked up as her friends entered, but didn't even raise a brow, just sighed softly. When Jake returned, Nat headed out after him to the balcony, arms crossing under her chest - she stayed out 99% of the time, but right now, this one time, she wanted to know what was up. "What's going on, Jake? Don't BS me."
In reply to: Adam & Jake 's message, "
...and I don't ever wanna leave again with at least sayin' goodbye..
on 17:09:31 11/29/04 Mon

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  • He cocked a brow, lighting up a cigarette and leaning back against the wall of the apartment as he smoked - silent for a long few moments. "It's nothing, just some old shit that needs to be put to rest." He stated idely, his arms tense and jaw set. Adam was good at playing the confused bystandered - he could handle himself out there. Jake on the other hand was to high strung and rebellious to deal with the questioning. His pride got in the way of acting like he didn't know what they were talking about and he just shot out vibes of 'you can't touch me, pig' even if he didn't mean to. (NT) -- Jake, 18:13:07 11/30/04 Tue

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