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Date Posted: 19:39:40 11/30/04 Tue
Author: Nat
Subject: "Yeah, Jake, I know. But that doesn't look like 'nothing' to me." She shook her head at him once more before sighing, stepping back and heading towards the door - sometimes all this was so tiring. As if they hadn't grown up around such crap their entire lives, she couldn't believe that he had ever even gotten involved in anything along the same lines. "Dinner's ready." But she made no request for him to join her and his girl - of course he would be welcome, but she wasn't in the mood to just pretend everything was great.
In reply to: Adam & Jake 's message, "
...and I don't ever wanna leave again with at least sayin' goodbye..
on 17:09:31 11/29/04 Mon

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  • He flicked his cigarette off to the side, letting out a soft breath before he walked inside. Quietly, he headed over to Aly, his hand going to her back as he looked down at her seriously. "Everything is fine, Aly. For real." He assured her softly, pressing a warm kiss to her forehead. "Really., everything is fine." // Adam finally made his way inside, running his hand over his head before he tugged a rubber band off of his wrist to wrap around his hair, pulling it back. This was such bullshit. He didn't even understand why they were suddenly investigating all of this so vigorously when it had been over 18 months since they had even left cleveland - why get into it all now and follow them here even? His eyes drifted around the kitchen before he sighed, taking in his girlfriends face before he realized Jake had just pissed her off even more. "Natty..." He murmured quietly, his brow furrowed. (NT) -- Jake/Adam, 19:52:37 11/30/04 Tue

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