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Date Posted: 23:17:03 11/30/04 Tue
Author: Aly / Nat
Subject: "Good.." She smiled across the table at him and shifted to slouch back into her chair as she picked at her own plate - enjoying the pasta as well, though her own appetite was dwindling slightly. "So what do you want for Christmas?" One eyelid dropped in a wink as she glanced up to him, one leg extended to rest across his lap. Of course she was worried that something might be happening, but she knew that there was nothing that fussing about it right now would do. // Arms crossed under her chest, she attempted a slight smile, before it just faded and she headed over to him - hands touching his chest, and then arms crossing once more, as if she was uncertain how receptive he would be to her touch. "Are you sure?" Her voice was soft, gaze tender and concerned - she was hardly the irritated, angry woman of just a few moments ago.
In reply to: Adam & Jake 's message, "
...and I don't ever wanna leave again with at least sayin' goodbye..
on 17:09:31 11/29/04 Mon

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  • His hand dropped down to squeeze her calf idely before he grinned gently and tilted his head with a playful groan. "Not this again! I told you what I wanted, your the one who was holding out." // He sighed softly, tugging her closer to him, his arms going around her as he dipped his head to her neck, hiding his face there as if hiding from the world. "I love you, more then anything in the world." He felt like everything was caving in on him and it wasn't fair. (NT) -- Jake/Adam, 23:22:04 11/30/04 Tue

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