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Date Posted: 22:43:01 06/05/05 Sun
Author: Natalie
Subject: One hand was working loose the button on his jeans and then sliding up his side and slowly back down, and her other moved to his head - it wasn't until that moment that her fingers went to twist into his long nonexistent hair that she realized what was so different. She gasped sharply and then laughed loudly before covering her mouth, head tilting slowly, delicately, and her lips softened into an adoring smile - fingers traveling slowly over his head. "It's all gone..." She wondered in amazement, eyes bright and affectionate, tone loving and one eyelid dropping in a wink as she voiced her approval. "So sexy."
In reply to: Adam 's message, "
This is fact not fiction for the first time in years
on 20:25:45 06/05/05 Sun

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  • He laughed softly, tucking his face into her neck for a second. "Now Jake can't call me a girl anymore.." he murmured softly, brushing back her hair for a second before he drew back. "I'll probably grow it back out, they made me cut it inside..." He smirked, looking down at her. "Future reference pet, laughing as your taking off my pants, not the most reassuring for a guy - it's been awhile, you know." He stuck out his tongue playfully, able to control his urges just a bit better now. (NT) -- Adam, 22:53:44 06/05/05 Sun

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