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Date Posted: 23:17:27 06/05/05 Sun
Author: Nattie
Subject: She cried out softly as his lips drifted and warmth spread throughout her aching body. A hand on his head danced over his scalp and her other twisted into the pillow behind her head, eyes on the ceiling and then sliding slowly shut, lips parted to accommodate her uneven breathing. She murmured his name softly as she was easily and more than willingly lost into the world of raw feelings and intense sensations.
In reply to: Adam 's message, "
This is fact not fiction for the first time in years
on 20:25:45 06/05/05 Sun

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  • As soon as he was sure she was pleased, he took her, wasting no time as he lost himself in the memory of her, before realizing that she was no longer a memory, she was flesh and blood beneath him. His stamina held out longer then he had thought it would - though not nearly to the point at which he normally would but it wasn't as pitiful as he had expected it to be. When it was all said and done, he was nearly trembling, rolling off of her to lay on his back, his hand draping over his stomach, breathing heavily still. (NT) -- Adam, 23:19:06 06/05/05 Sun

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