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Date Posted: 22:50:35 05/30/06 Tue
Author: Natalie
Subject: She had gotten so far as to exchange her skirt for a pair of black and lacey boycut underwear, but now was just sitting on the arm of one of the chairs in the room - sitting sideways with her feet resting on the seat. The matching camisole that she was intending on putting on was in her lap and she still wore her sweater, and smiled warmly when he came in - winking sweetly as she watched him get settled on the bed. Convinced that all was well with their friends, she said her goodbyes and then dropped the phone onto the chair at her feet, sat there for a moment longer, and then shifted off and to her feet. "How's my puppy?" She tugged off her sweater and just left her clothes on the floor and pulled on the lilac and black cami.
In reply to: Natalie 's message, "

She works till three, it's uniform
She dreams that he'll come by the store
She prays for days when boys mean she's protected
on 22:04:21 05/30/06 Tue

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  • "Sleeping." He stated, reaching over to pull down the covers for her and then patted the bed next to him, eager to have her close to his body. "How you feeling, babe?" He questioned softly, she liked to drink but often - even if she wouldn't admit it - she got a little bit queasy a little while after she stopped drinking. A low breath escaped his lips as he scooted over a touch, realizing he was in the middle of the bed as usual, poor girl was always crowded on the side of the bed but still pulled close to his body, thank goodness she was a cuddler. "I missed you today.." So he was totally emo, he had seen her that morning and that evening but the time in between he really had missed her... (NT) -- Adam, 23:05:03 05/30/06 Tue

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