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Date Posted: 23:19:38 05/30/06 Tue
Author: Adam
Subject: He shifted a little so he could get more comfortable while he held her, his hand slipping to rest on her back beneath the cami's fabric. "How did Aly say your brother was?" He questioned, his fingers idely drawing circles on her skin as he gazed down at her. He was feeling comfortable and lazy and oh so content with his current lot in life. A yawn escaped a little bit as he dropped his head to nuzzle her neck while he waited for her reply, finding the spot that almost made her whimper a bit and nipping gently before he soothed it with his lips. He liked leaving little marks on her, even if she did huff and puff about it occasinally. What could he say...he was a kind of possessive guy.
In reply to: Natalie 's message, "

She works till three, it's uniform
She dreams that he'll come by the store
She prays for days when boys mean she's protected
on 22:04:21 05/30/06 Tue

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  • Her toes slid slowly up and down his calf and she pressed closer to him at his fingers on her back, her gaze soft and warm on him. "She said he was okay... Sobering up a bit and they were just chilling out - no big drama or anything... No worries." She murmured reassuringly and then tipped her head back a little at his kisses, a hand raising to twist tightly into his hair at the back of his head. "Are you tired?" She asked almost tentatively - she was really pretty awake still, but she didn't want him to be staying up just for her if he was ready for sleep. She never wanted to be a chore to him - though she was reasonably confident that he never thought that about her. (NT) -- Natalie, 23:29:52 05/30/06 Tue

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