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Date Posted: 00:06:50 05/31/06 Wed
Author: Natalie
Subject: "Yeah, maybe definitely. I said it, you heard me..." But her tone was teasing and she laughed softly as she nuzzled her cheek softly against his and then smirked with a slightly cocked brow. "Hey, now I never said anything about naughty nurse outfits... That's all you. You better watch your mouth." It was all in good fun though and she winked reassuringly before catching his lips briefly once more and then just turning her face into his hand - kissing his palm. She sighed softly as she shifted gently but pointedly against him, dropping her forehead to rest against his for a moment. "I love you, you know that? So much..." He just made everything so much better.
In reply to: Natalie 's message, "

She works till three, it's uniform
She dreams that he'll come by the store
She prays for days when boys mean she's protected
on 22:04:21 05/30/06 Tue

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  • He smiled lightly as she nuzzled into his hand, she really was adorable, so tiny and perfect and fitting just right with him. He wasn't such a big guy so it was fitting that he have a little girl like her. "I love you too, sweetheart." He stated softly, her brow furrowed gently as she leaned down to press a warm kiss to her neck, nuzzling gently, lovingly. "You looked pretty." He stated softly, warmly, into her hear, his lips tugging on her earlobe. "You always look pretty when you go to work, makes me jealous that all the guys there get to look at you all day and they don't know that you are mine.." (NT) -- Adam, 17:46:56 06/01/06 Thu

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