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Date Posted: 23:13:52 06/01/06 Thu
Author: Natalie
Subject: She was silent for a long moment at that, but a smile had lit her features as soon as he said the words. Finally, she dipped her head a little so that her nose was nearly brushing his, and whispered her question. "Adam Davenport, are you asking me to marry you?" She was actually relieved - so completely relieved as she processed the idea because she had fully expected to panic immediately. Instead, it made sense to her and it seemed right and it seemed like it was just supposed to happen. Of course, it would mean that she would have to really actually start letting him take care of her, but she had been weaning herself of her steadfast independence from the very day that they first were together.
In reply to: Natalie 's message, "

She works till three, it's uniform
She dreams that he'll come by the store
She prays for days when boys mean she's protected
on 22:04:21 05/30/06 Tue

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  • "Well..." He shrugged his shoulders a little, looking up at her with completely serious eyes. "I was kinda hopin' that I would bring it up and then you would ask me..." He grinned lightly, sifting his fingers through her thick hair appreciatively, sighing in soft contentment at just the look and feel of her so close to him. "I talked to your dad about it a couple of weeks ago...he gave me his permission and then told me if I hurt you that he would tell my dad and have my dad kick my ass." He grinned sheepishly, knowing that if he did end up hurting her - after he kicked his own ass - he would have numerous angry fathers to deal with. (NT) -- Adam, 23:24:55 06/01/06 Thu

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